Progress at times seems slower than we like and at times seems like we are at a stand still---UNTIL--we look back over our shoulders and realize just how far we have traveled in this journey.
The web site is up and functional---gaining more content and updated content on a daily basis. .
We have made progress in how we educate the people with our new printable flyer with video links which can be found on the website under the informational tab and the videos are as well uploaded there.
Secretary of State, Chuck Corkins, has recorded one his fabulous live informationals which will soon be available for viewing on our website as well here on our blog and on DVD hard duisk form for you to share with others.
Immigration and Naturalization Officer, Paul Corkins has been busy in South Dakota and surrounding states with helping the people get their official Citizen of Record in the Republic for the united States of America.
On our web site we have tried to update direct links to all Free State web sites in order to help people to find the information they need for their state. The process of accepting the truth about the DeFacto Corporation and becoming a Citizen of Record is a learning curve that as of recent has become a crash course in reality. As Citizen's, our job is to educate---educate and educate some more----educate as many people as possible. It;s sounds easier than it is so apply a patient love of thy neighbor when educating. The transition from DeJure to DeFacto was a seemless endeavor of dark greed intelligence where at birth you were signed into slavery to the corporation. That's the truth but the truth was covert so therefore extremely hard for many to understand and accept. The time is short to help your family and neighbors. Get them to the web site---the blog---facebook --
Without panic, urgency or insighting panic in those to whom you speak: Make suggestion to store dry foods, ample water, solar lights, essential medications and like for themselves and family to maintain a relatively comfortable lifestyle should things get ugly for a few weeks. I will try to update on this topic more in the next week. Most of it would be common sense to what you would need if there were no power, municipal water, no communication means, no travel and no supplies at local stores. Don't forget your neighbors! Many will not prepare for this because they are blinded by the Defacto Corporation which is an entity---not human---has no feelings or emotions and does not care about you!. The Dejure lawful governance of of the Republic for the united States of America is for the people and by the people and the people are human with human attributes.
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